
Welcome to the S.E.B.B.L. website, home of the Snake Eyes Blood Bowl League. Strap on your pads, bolt on your armour and pop your noggin into your helmet (if you are lucky enough to have one) and get ready to Block, Blitz, and Dodge you way to victory!
Snake Eyes Blood Bowl League does what it says on the tin and is a Blood Bowl league that is hosted at Snake Eyes Gaming Club in west-london. It is a relatively new league that started in 2018 and is approaching the start of it's second season.
Welcoming noobs and vetrans alike, the league is a casual affair that allows for Blood Bowl players to throw down the gauntlet and compete in an open format Blood Bowl league offering team progression and opponents fielding a variety of Blood Bowl teams.
Games are played on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday at the Snake Eyes Gaming Club in the heart of Chiswick. Matches take place at a strictly 18+ venue from 6.30pm onwards at a venue that boasts bookable gaming space, via the facebook group, a bountiful terrain cupboard and a well stocked bar avalaible to registered members.
New League - Coming Soon

Some Important Changes (and we're not talking about in the locker-room):
First off: We are embracing the winds of change, season two is live and new rules stand! We are working out the additionals and there will probably be the usual *danger* fee for some of the optional elements as per last season.
Second Row: New rules, new problems, new solutions.
For now the old SEBBL leage management is not up to the job. There is a band at the NAF working hard on a solution with extremely rare limited involvement from the Snake Eyes division of the CABAL VISION development team. Needless to say there are some teething issues, as with all things constructed by dwarfs and gobbos alike.
NUFFLE him/her-self seems to have come to the aid with the sparkly https://tourplay.net/ that we will be using as a league manager.
The downside is there is a small yearly fee for usage during a tournament; we are looking at around £5 per head for a year leaving a modest £1.50-ish, depending on the exchange rate, per head to put towards a wothy SEBBL cup that is likely to be more game-scale than 1:1.
The good news is it's free to create an account, create your teams, and register for SEBBL 2021.
Just head on over to https://tourplay.net/ "login" to setup an account, then head over to https://tourplay.net/en/blood-bowl/sebbl2021/registration to create your dreaft team(s). Feel free to create a couple of teams to start, we will let you know when things will kickoff so you can pick your preffered lineup.
The League Manager has been updated to the latest NAF release from https://github.com/TheNAF/naflm and data has been moved over from the older version. Customisations will need to be re-added and there may be some linking issues for player stats e.t.c.
Porc Choppers (11/16) Goldy Looking Griffins The City Sickers The Mordheim Preservation Society Wulfgang’s Wanderers Huxleys Heros Wulfgang’s Wanderers (11/16) Goldy Looking Griffins The Crimson Tide Porc Choppers You like that little green thingy, dont you Huxleys Heros X 2 Huxleys Heros (11/16) The City Sickers The Crimson Tide Porc Choppers Wulfgang’s Wanderers x 2 You like that little green thingy, dont you You like that little green thingy, dont you (14/16) Wulfgang’s Wanderers Huxleys Heros The Crimson Tide (14/16) Huxleys Heros Wulfgang’s Wanderers The City Sickers (14/16) Porc Choppers Huxleys Heros Goldy Looking Griffins (15/16) Porc Choppers Wulfgang’s Wanderers…
Coaching staff are now available to hire for both teams in the match report, inducement tryouts and also have their own stats page. Let me know in the forums if you spot any issues, images and a clear step by step to reproduce will help if there are issues!
SEBBL Manager has been updated to move all coaching staff/wizards to a separate table. They cannot be currently used in the interface however changes will be made to allow the inducements as part of "Inducements Tryout", "Match Report", "Coaching Staff Stats" and other relevant sections.
SEBBL Manager has been updated with Spike Magazine Issue 3 rules. Nurgle Player Types updated Nurgle Star Players added/updated Bulla Shardhorn Added Tolly Glocklinger Added Coaching Staff Added Plague Doctors Added Cavorting Nurglings Added Wizards/Sorcerers Added Horticulturalist of Nurgle Added
Game Reports
The Fjord Squad
The Crimson Tide
Porc Choppers
The Mordheim Preservation Society
Porc Choppers
The Crimson Tide
The Fjord Squad
Huxleys Heros
Porc Choppers
Goldy Looking Griffins
The City Sickers
Wulfgang’s Wanderers
The Mordheim Preservation Society
Wulfgang’s Wanderers
The City Sickers
The Fjord Squad
Leo, Steve, Harry and Sanngrior After a week of heavy celebrating in the local taverns, the team truly earned their team name of The City Sickers. Almost every place they celebrated, most non Nurgle folk couldn’t stand the smell of rotting flesh and other disgusting sights. Most were sick if…
Porc Choppers
Huxleys Heros
Goldy Looking Griffins
The Crimson Tide
Stag Knight
Goldy Looking Griffins